Monday, September 7, 2015

A Social History of North Main Street and Kilbrogan Hill, Bandon, County Cork

Our new publication entitled Bandon, County Cork.  A Social History of North Main Street and Kilbrogan Hill is now available from Amazon.  The study focuses on the evolution of a part of Bandon once filled with tanneries, malt houses, shops, public buildings and residential dwellings.  It is intended to be of assistance to those researching their ancestors who once lived in the area.  Family members of familiar Bandon settler surnames such as Bennett, Fuller, Hunter, Appelbe, Lee, Loane, Williams, Robinson, Clear, Baldwin, Burchill, Tresilian and Teulon all either held leases or lived on the street themselves for a time.  The study also analyses the immense influence of the Devonshire Estate as far as it related to the street.

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